American Academy of Pediatrics 2011 Vaccine Schedule
This schedule is based on a typical case, physician will determine the actual scheduling of immunizations
Birth - Hep B
1 month - Hep B
2 months - DTaP, HIB, Pc, Rotavirus, Polio
4 months - DTaP HIB, Pc, Rotavirus, Polio
6 months - DTaP, HIB, Pc, Rotavirus, Hep B, Flu (2 doses)
1 year - MMR, Chickenpox, Hep A
15 months - HIB, Pc
18 months - DTaP, Polio, Hep A, Flu (if in season)
2 years - Flu vaccine every year hereafter through 18 years
5 years - DTaP, Polio, MMR, Flu
11-12 years - Tdap, Meningococcal, HPV
16 years – Meningococcal booster
Copyright 2009. Jon Atiga, MD. All rights reserved.