Energy Self Help

History of CHI




The unity of mind and body is one of the cornerstones of ancient Oriental medical science. Traditional Oriental medicine recognizes the collaboration of mind and body to promote healing.

Jin Shin Acutouch is a very specialized form of Oriental medicine which evolved in the ancient temples of Tibet, China, and
Japan. Ancient physicians, through generations of observation, discovered that a system of pathways feed the basic life energy (Chi) in all cells. These pathways, called meridians, integrate and connect the organs and systems of the body.

In the early 1900's, Master Jiro Murai rediscovered the ancient system of Jin Shin Jyutsu in
Japan while in search of healing for his own terminal illness.

In the 1940's Mary Burmeister met and studied with Master Murai, later bringing the healing art to

Barbara Clark, author of Jin Shin Acutouch, the Tai Chi of Healing Touch, combined Oriental healing theories with Jin Shin Jyutsu to form what is now known as Jin Shin Acutouch.

Today, modern science and new research are helping us understand the essential nature of the flow of Chi, as ancient principles are integrated with Holistic healing therapies. Jin Shin Acutouch combines the healing arts of Oriental medicine, including Five Element Theory, Taoist Yoga, Chi Kung, Breath Therapy, principles of Tai Chi Chuan, with nutrition and herb therapy for a complete system of healing.




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