HELÉNE S. BARTOSIK, MS, HHP__________________________________________                        _

The Healing Touch of Jin Shin Energy Medicine

Interdisciplinary Health Practitioner


Practitioner Specialty:            The healing arts of Jin Shin, Aromatherapy and

Mind-Body-Spirit (MBS) Health Counseling


Qualifications:                        Experienced health practitioner (fourteen years) specializing

    in the art and healing touch of Jin Shin energy medicine and

    health counseling. Teaching and workshop presentation experience.

    Three decades of meditation and yoga.  Extensive training in

    Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung. Producer of Jin Shin Self Help video.

    Conducted a pilot study in a clinical setting on The Power of Healing

    Touch (Jin Shin) and Its Effects on Fibromyalgia.


Education:                              Greenwich University, Hilo, HI, 2001

                                                Master of Science – Energy Medicine

                                                 Professors:   Norman Shealy, MD, PhD and Caroline Myss, PhD

                                                University for Humanistic Studies, Del Mar, CA, 1991

                                                Bachelor of Arts – Humanistic Studies, emphasis Health Psychology

                                                Institute for Psycho-Structural Balancing (IPSB),

                                                San Diego, CA 1992 Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

                                                  (1100 hrs+) Jin Shin Acutouch Internship

                                                Jin Shin Jyutsu School, Scottsdale, AZ 

                                                Certified Practitioner 1998

                                                Jin Shin High Touch Network, Friday Harbor, WA, 1997

                                                Certified Instructor and Practitioner

                                                Aroma Vera – Aromatherapy Certified, Los Angeles, CA, 1994

                                                White Lotus Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA , 2001

                                                Certified Yoga Instructor

                                                World Travel


Licenses:                                City of Newport Beach             

                                                City of Fountain Valley


Professional Interests:        Integrating complementary therapies and nutrition with

Western medicine.  Jin Shin Energy Medicine; Aromatherapy;

Reiki; Mind-Body-Spirit Health Counseling; Reflexology,

Yoga, Meditation.


Affiliations:                             Center for Optimum Health, Allen H. Green, MD, Fountain Valley, CA          

                                                Associate Practitioner

                                                Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center, Fountain Valley, CA

                                                Yoga instructor and coordinator for volunteer Jin Shin program.

                                                Private Practice at Office of Julie Ralls, MD, Newport Beach, CA

                                                Interdisciplinary Health Care (IHC) practitioners of Hoag Cancer Center      

                                                American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia (AOBTA)

                                                National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork




Newport Beach, CA 92660      949.922.1355      949.760.1355 fax       email:  Jinshin@earthlink.net