
กก The Caduceus sign has long been used as a symbol for medical practitioners. It is known as the Staff of Hermes or Asclepius, the ancient God of Medicine. He is accompanied in his work by his two daughters, Hygeia and Panacea. From the names of these two Goddesses we get the words hygiene, the science of health and its preservation, and panacea, a cure all. The staff represents curative medicine at the hands of a health practitioner but also the lifestyle of the patient, which greatly affects health.

I. Diet

  1. The North American Vegetarian Society: www.navs-online.org
  2. Dr. Andrew Weil's health information site: www.hotwired.com/drweil
  3. Diet Author John Robbins: www.foodrevolution.org
  4. Amazon.com to buy the Audio CD - THE CHINA STUDY
  5. WeeklyWorldNews.com - Anything by Lester the Typing Horse.  He has great Horse Sense, drinks only water, and says "neigh" to Boxing.  I have a big fat crush on him.
  6. Study strongly links fat to cancer.  www.DietAndCancerReport.org

II. Exercise

Looking for a Panacea? Think Exercise! The treadmill is OK, But there are a lot of opportunities in Orange County to do better. Think Salsa, Swing, Yoga, Martial Arts or Belly dancing. Recommended sites for a fun workout in Orange County:

Salsa - Read Why Salsa will Save the World

  1. www.atpevents.com
  2. www.salsaweb.com
  3. www.salserosonline.com
  4. www.AllThatSalsa.com 


  1. www.ikazuchi.com
  2. www.shuyokan.com
  3. www.integrationforall.com


  1. www.ocswing.com
  2. www.salsaswing.com
  3. www.atomicballroom.com
  4. www.danscene.com


  1. www.triadyogaca.com
  2. www.yogashaktistudio.com
  3. www.bodymindspirityoga.com
  4. www.ocyogastudio.com
  5. Kundalini Yoga Network of Orange County at (714) 639-5550...they never answer their phone.

Bellydance - www.mecda.org

Our Favorite OC Belly Dancers

  1. Lilla -www.lilladance.com
  2. Tina Enheduanna - www.pinkgypsy.com/enheduanna
  3. Miranda - www.mirandasdance.com
  4. Angelika Nemeth - www.angelikanemeth.com
  5. JJ & the Habibis - www.pinkgypsy.com/habibis/jj.htm
  6. For more belly dance information, check out the Middle Eastern Culture & Dance Association (MECDA) - www.mecda.org
  7. The Pink Gypsy - www.pinkgypsy.com
  8.  For great salsa and belly dance clothes - www.sharifwear.com

Surfing - www.surfwsa.org - Get the healthy California life style for your family

Local Sports - www.calcoasttrack.com

III. A complete waste of time? No energy for exercise? Don't do drugs! Visit the following doctor (a recognized medical authority) recommended web sites!

  1. www.engrish.com
  2. www.rathergood.com
  3. www.homestarrunner.com
  4. www.snopes.com
  5. www.jesusoftheweek.com
  6. www.dailykitten.com
  7. www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/teletubbies  -  Adults should be accompanied by a toddler at this site

IV - Get involved in Human Rights! Join Amnesty International today!

  1. www.aiusaoc.org
  2. www.savetibet.org
  3. www.tibetinsong.com

V - Improve your vision? And why not?

  1. www.i-see.org
  2. www.eop.org
  3. http://members.aol.com/myopiaprev