Measure K, the $50 million general obligation
bond which was approved by local residents in
June 2001, is being used to upgrade school and
district facilities. The District’s Facilities
Master Plan provides the framework for decision
making and resource allocation of Measure K funds.
The Plan identifies the most urgent infrastructure
upgrade needs on a district-wide basis, and includes
the facility standards and requirements for all
school buildings.
The Measure K Oversight Committee, an independent
committee appointed by the Covina-Valley Board
of Education, reviews construction expenditures
and progress made on construction projects.
Click here
for an overview of the projects that are currently
underway at school and district facilities.
By spring 2003, every school will have benefited
from Measure K funds. From new exterior paint
to “smart” teaching walls, Covina-Valley
schools are benefiting by our tax dollars!
To ensure the highest level of accountability
for your investment in our schools, the Board
of Education and district administration has established
a variety of policies and procedures to safeguard
the quality of contracted services. Click here
to learn about our check and balance system.