BOB SIMONSON, Program Leader

I&M Home << Mobile Computing
Marc Todd, Forestry Technician

San Dimas Technology
& Development Center
444 E Bonita Ave
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 599-1267

This project will evaluate portable computing devices (Pocket PC's or PPC and H/PPC) and software for Forest Service field applications. Technological advances have created new opportunities for these machines to provide various benefits to FS employees.


The Center has evaluated over twenty different devices,including fully ruggedized devices and consumer grade units. New devices are being tested as they become available. At times, some of this equipment may be available for FS units to preview. If your Forest or Region is having a meeting or training session, contact us to see about the possibility of receiving some of these units for a few days.


The best equipment will be placed on FS Blanket Purchase Agreements. To purchase this equipment, FS employees will not need a Technical Approval. Check the "How To Buy BPA Items" to see which units are available. BPA's provide negotiated prices that are lower then market prices. The HP iPAQ is now available on the PlanetGov BPA. If you are interested in a consumer grade PDR for the field, this is the recommended device to purchase. The iPAQ is intended for use in the field and not as an office tool. Armor Cases are also available on the BPA and can be used to protect the iPAQ.

Frequently Asked Questions

New to PocketPC's? Check here for our new FAQs in PDF Version User Tips .


These devices will be running Windows CE, Pocket PC 2002, or Windows Mobile 2003. The ability of these units to provide reliable service to field crews will be determined through testing at the San Dimas T&D Center as well as in field trials. Testing will include verifying manufacturers' claims for withstanding harsh environmental conditions, drop tests, battery life and benchmarking the optimization of these machines. The Center is also researching the possibility of testing FS applications' performance.


Software for data collection needs such as FSCruiser (NATCDE) and Common Stand Exam is being tested on these devices. San Dimas is working with various FS software developers FS CE Developers to determine the hardware limitations and capabilities.


Additional equipment such as protective cases Case Evaluations and GPS/GIS software and hardware are also be evaluated. Product reviews for these products are now available.


GIS solutions that can integrated with the FS ARCGIS Read This. (PDF 2.6MB)
Mobile mapping programs for Pocket PC's Read This. (MS Word 7.3MB)
GPS receivers for Pocket PC's Read This. (MS Word)

Portable printers are now being evaluated and will be added to the FS BPA as well. Printer summaries can be viewed on the Printer Page.
Three printers are now available from FS contracts. These printers are listed on the How To Buy page.

Access the links on the upper left side of this page to see which devices are currently being evaluated and the results of these tests.